It Was All A Dream on view at Camp Kingston through Feburary.

Inspired by Martin Luther King Jr.'s famous speech, I Have a Dream, Amelia C. Williams used Biggie's iconic lyrics, It Was All A Dream, to title her latest mixed media pop art collection as a response to King’s vision. The title offers a clever interplay between the aspirations of King’s dream and the realities reflected in modern pop culture, particularly within the Black community.

“It Was All A Dream” is a mixed media pop art collection by Amelia C. Williams reflecting on the evolving nature of the American Dream—what it was, what it is, and what it is shifting toward. This body of work is a real-time response to the collective disparities observed within the diverse communities she engages with. Through her connections with friends from all walks of life, Williams offers a multifaceted view of America’s current state and the fragmented dream that once unified its people.
As always, Williams grounds her art in personal experience, examining the intersections of mental health and her identity as a mixed-race individual navigating predominantly white spaces. These environments—and the ways they shape and challenge her—are central to her narrative. In her signature raw and unfiltered fashion, Williams voices the sentiments many BIPOC individuals in small American towns feel but often leave unsaid.
Her hallmark use of vibrant neon colors serves as both a veil and a critique, masking heavy themes while highlighting the superficial passivity of white culture. This contrast underscores the inability of dominant groups to fully acknowledge the realities they continue to perpetuate, creating a striking visual tension that invites reflection and conversation.

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